
Await a Second

It took me years and years to understand how browsers process time. It’s actually pretty easy. Let me help you out a little bit. I apologize beforehand for the dad puns along the way.

Time after time, things change

Making things happen in a set amount of time might be one of the most important parts of web development, and as such it’s changed. What was true 10 years ago is no longer true. Stack Overflow is going to give you many answers. Idiomatic JS is going to give you many answers. There are many ways to skin this cat. I’m not going to tell you the best way. You might not even like my way. But my goal is, by the end, at least you’ll understand what is happening with my way. That’s the plan here.

This is cheating (and you should too)

JavaScript uses this handy dandy thing called setTimeout() which sets a timeout period. It’s not going to be pretty, but it will pause for a little while, then run the code inside. It’s super easy and cool, and you’ve probably used it before. If not, it looks like this:

  // example one: anonymous function
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log('finished anonymously'); // things you'll do after the timeout
  }, 12345); // milliseconds before the function is run

  // example two: separating concerns, naming your function
  function finished() {
    console.log('finished from finished()');
  setTimeout(finished, 1234);

  // but this code? It ran first.
  console.log('too late, I ran');

But the very same thing that makes timers great is their weakness: they don’t stop your code. Here’s the order of logs from the code above:

"too late, I ran"           // instantly
"finished from finished()"  // after 1.234 seconds
"finished anonymously"      // after 12.345 seconds

Breakdown: Code outside of the blocks runs now, and code inside the blocks doesn’t affect other blocks.

Wheels within wheels

The only way you’re going to successfully chain these bad boys is by making a neat little stack of them. But that makes for a pretty nasty last-ditch end result:

  // timing of the down transition
  setTimeout(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        // do the dance again
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 150);
      }, 780);
    }, 150);
  }, 780);

Remove setTimeout with clearTimeout

I could and may make a whole article about this, but clearTimeout() will stop a timeout from firing like this:

let timmy = setTimeout(finished, 1234); // never gonna happen
clearTimeout(timmy);                    // because we cleared it immediately

Clearing a timeout is dead simple, except that you must have access to that variable timmy at all times. Take care to define timmy outside of the function you’re setting it, or it’ll be nigh unto useless.

Promises are weird

But what if I really want things to wait? I can always make a Promise. Promises are best explained by defining them.

Let’s say you run a muppet shop, and I want a muppet. So I come up to the register, show you the muppet I want, and swipe my credit card. Are we done? Can I walk out and leave?

Noooope. You want to confirm that my card is valid. We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds. We make small-talk about how badly I want to leave your store and how badly you want me to leave too. My credit card data gets processed, authenticated, and approved.

Ding! Now I can leave. You try to hand me a receipt. I let it fall to the ground because I am not a hostage to your culture’s demands, nor do I want to sanitize my hands again. I let thoughts of maskless, unencumbered breathing carry me through the automatic doors, and into the great dystopian unknown.

That credit card transaction was a Promise! It stopped everything, waited for a fulfillment, and had two outcomes:

  • Accepted: take your item and get outta here
  • Errored: try again or we’re stuck

Promises are built into Ajax, and that’s what we’ll use them for

In fact, that promise example is probably based on a literal Promise. If the credit card machine runs on Node, 99% of the time it’s literally running an XMLHttpRequest() Promise:

// directly from jQuery docs
  type: "POST",
  url: 'https://www.example.com/endpoint',
  data: yourCreditCardData
  .done(function() {
    alert( "woo, success!" );
  .fail(function() {
    alert( "error" );

Promises use the following very easy result syntax:

  • .then(yourFunctionHere) is a chain for what comes next
  • .done(yourFunctionHere) is a similar chain for successful results
  • .success(yourFunctionHere) is yet another one of those
  • .fail(yourFunctionHere) is a chain for what to do if the Promise … fails
  • .always(yourFunctionHere) happens on either success or error

And that’s the end of Promises, I promise

Promises are GREAT for Ajax, and, honestly, that’s about all they’re great for. If the library you’re using doesn’t specifically say a function

returns a promise

then I just ignore the potential headache that promises would bring. Promises are a confusing API that is difficult for experts, and difficult code is the enemy of readable code. So there’s only one more case in which I’d use one.

Thanks for awaiting

You’ve been patient, and a treasure awaits you. It’s wrapped in an async function (short for asynchronous). In fact, if you forget the async part, JS will throw a special error just for you.

Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and async generators

Async functions stop the whole show until any await calls inside are finished. That means that calling one of these will effectively pause your code for the predetermined time.

Let’s say you’ve got a transition that takes 0.2 seconds. Once that transition is finished, you really need to do something right away. This was a problem I encountered while implementing the blink logic on this site.

// a shortcut for $(document).ready(async function(){...
$(async function(){
  // blink in
  // a one-liner pause for 200 ms
  await new Promise(anything => setTimeout(anything, 200));
  // after-transition logic

Rewriting that pyramid jumble of callbacks above, we get something much more eloquent and readable.

async function fullTransitionEffect() {
  transitionOut();   // takes 780ms
  await new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, 780)); 

  resetTransition(); // takes 150ms
  await new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, 150)); 
  transitionIn();    // takes 780ms
  await new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, 780)); 

  resetTransition(); // takes 150ms
  await new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, 150));

Out of time

Time is fleeting. There are so many ways to perceive it and manipulate it on a website:

We could get into Moment.JS, a devilish and entirely necessary library for standardized date/timestamp formatting (or we could just use the standard datetime stamp that the world decided on before I was born). There’s plenty of room for time zone doom and gloom as well.

Calendars are fun, too. Simple algorithms for events that fall on certain days a month may be one of the hardest things I’ve encountered.

Or we could take another tack and look at setTimeout’s twins setInterval() and removeInterval(). Those were a big part of the Old German Beer game.

Whatever we do must await more time from my busy schedule.

About the Author:

Benji is a professional web dude. He is a freelance web developer, making cool things for money (and sometimes beer).

Disclaimer! Photos on this blog are sometimes taken by me, but sometimes free for use with attribution from Unsplash.com.